
malogna and bilan

ok fine.
balogna & milan

first we stopped at the ferrari museum
their street cars go 0-110 in 3 seconds
geez louise

here's a winner
(like it literally won)

next we spent a night in bologna
my favorite part was seeing this melted ice sculpture
that's funny

leslie's boyfriend, joseph, didn't tell her he'd be in bologna
see, it looks JUST like him

then we ate gelato popsicles
italians gettin' crazy

the next day we stopped to see how balsamic vinaigrette is made
they use these here barrels

for a LONG time
notice the "1952" label

we got to taste some after our tour
(it's not like the balsamic vinaigrette i'm used to.
much thicker & sweeter & more acidic, all at the same time)

over ice-cream

we finally made it to milan
& saw the 3rd duomo of our trip
this one took 6 centuries to build

next door is the world's first mall
(or so we think..)
& here i am inside spinning around 3 times on some dip in the floor
that brings you good luck.
probably just another way to make tourists look like fools

then we shopped around and had appetizers and pretty drinks at a place called Frank. delicious!

next day:
meet massimo
he knows a lot about design
therefore, he was our guide for the next 2 days

he has a piece of the duomo in the backyard of his office
hello. the duomo.
apparently every fifty years the statues have to be replaced

first he took us to a vintage/modern design shop called:
dear quad friends, don't let these letters conjure feelings of tiresome walking to the far far far parking lot

they made new things out of old stuff
novel idea

bizarre things too

next we went to this little villa built in the 20th century

typical 50's bathroom

hipsta red
pump the breaks

massimo took us to this museum
it opened really recently

 saw some picasso

and other modern art

the museum had a great view of the duomo

the next day massimo took the interior design girls to some showrooms
modern lighting


looney's favorite chair & lamp in cappellini

the only thing we didn't see were milano cookies and bologna meat
you can't have it all

ciao ciao

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