
$6 cola-lite

yikes. but delicious! not to mention, it had ice in it. is it weird that i already miss that?
you can see it in this picture..that little stinker

backtrack to yesterday...
dear emily, i found your room in the palace
that's francesco. he's nice, you'll like him

these walls are covered in stamped leather
the stamps that were used are against the wall

our cheapest dinner yet...3 euro
pizza yummm

dear kaki, your favorite part of europe is rubbing off on me

you know you're in italy when you receive a plastic bottle of wine-to-go from the restaurant for your birthday
so funny

now fastforward to today....

we took a train into rome

solo shot
i'm not sure what church this is. (still can't read)
don't worry, we have to take these photos for class
i thought you'd be amused

kaitlin and meredith inside the church
that's the back of a statue next to them

dear rebekah & caroline, there were flags in every window of this building
america and italy are clearly best friends

kaitlin high fived the pope

our bikes
i wish


dear rebekah, italians skate 

italians are snuggly

solo shot 2
you're welcome

the view on the train ride back to ariccia

i'm so thankful for this opportunity and the sweet girls i've gotten to know so far. can't wait to see what the lord has in store for the summer!


  1. dear laly,

    your blog seems to have deleted my last comment but maybe it'll like this one better.

    love my room; love that you're thinking of me even more!

    love that you spent $6 on diet coke...you know i would've too. desperate times call for desperate measures!

    you are beyond cute! in every single picture you look SO happy and i love that!

    i want to be cool like you and start using the word "ciao" in normal language...so ciao for now! em

  2. Anonymous16.5.11

    laurrrrrr.....youre blog ate my last comment as well. hope this works.

    i love your blog. youare so stinking cute. i ate dinner with mal last night and you were a main topic on discussion.

    glad that italians can skate. maybe ill mail you a pair and you can join them...also mom said she wants a shoutout, so if you find someone working out or doing something ridiculous there is a hint.

    love you lots. america misses you. but not as much as me.

    reb (its gonna say im posting this anonymously, but i just dont know how to actually do it)

  3. Anonymous17.5.11

    dear lauren, you and your blog are equally amazing. you made it on my bookmark bar - clearly your important. i shopped at banana republic the other day and thought of you.

    Im so glad that you were blessed with this opportunity, and that americans and italians are clearly best friends. tell kaitlin that her long dress made her look so chic on those roman roads (loved it), and remember us stuck here in aubs this summer!

    sarah says hi, we start chemistry tomorrow. BLAH. also, i found the perfect spot for coco in the new apartment (my square masterpiece - in the laundry room haha)

    love from aubs to arricia,

    hannah. (it will also say that i post this anonymously. so much for awesome computer skills we were supposed to learn this year. if reb figures it out she should let me in on the secret. k great. bye.)
